We are incredibly thankful of the Greater St. Louis Boy Scouts for allowing us to use their property for our event. That being said our course is 100% on their private property monitored by their rangers and staff year round. We have worked hard to build and maintain working relationships with them and look to keep our good standing in their eyes when it comes to our event and users of the trails. We highly encourage you to only utilize the trails when allowable by the scouting groups or during our previews / the event(s) themselves. Outside of these times we cannot guarantee the trails condition, with seasonal growth during summer and heavy leaf cover / downed trees yearly to early winter. Additionally, using our name as your reason for being on property without our awareness is highly discouraged. Please help us keep our event on these mystical trails!
Google Maps - click for detailed mapping layout of campus
The course is set up as 5 legs ranging from 3.3-5.3 miles encompassing one 20mi loop(run 1x for 20mi, 2x for 40mi, 3x for 100k, 5x for 100mi)
The course switches directions each year running clockwise on odd years, counterclockwise on even years.
There will be 2 indoor aid stations on the course which you will venture through multiple times. The Start/Finish which no matter the direction is met two times per 20 miles. The second and larger of the aid stations is Sverdrup which both directions is seen 3 times per 20 miles.
In turn you get 4 aid stations within each 20 miles.
Each leg varies from the others offering steep climbs, ridgeline running, long and short steep descents as well as creek bottoms, pine floor, and jeep roads with approx. 75% single/double track, 25% jeep roads.
We may not have the mountains to climb but we do boast several 35-40% grade climbs, all of which will only last .10-.30 miles.
Our course is marked with PINK ribbon attached to limbs via clothespins(some reflective/some non) additional PINK ground flags will be used in open area, turns or where additional marking is needed. Within the course there may be junctures at which PINK ribbon may be strung between trees to limit wrong direction travel.
We will also mark any leg junctures/turns with signage detailing left. straight, or right where needed and lastly we may add a few "X" or "WRONG WAY" signs on overlaps of trails to ensure the correct travel direction continues when legs split.
All other trail markers, whether paint on trees or permanent signage on/in trees should be ignored
Distances(+/- .25 to .75) / Elevation(+/- 200') are approximates
+ 20.35mi w/ 3,000' ascent/descent
+ 40.7mi is 6,000' ascent/descent
+ 100k(61mi) w/ 9,000' ascent/descent
+ 101.7mi w/ 15,000' ascent/descent
All distances cutoff at 4:00pm Sunday
All runners MUST be on Leg 5 of last loop by 2pm Sunday
+ 100mi Cutoff = 34hrs (20:03mi pace)
+ 100k Cutoff = 34hrs (33:27mi pace)
+ 40mi Cutoff = 20hrs (29:29mi pace)
+ 20mi Cutoff = 8hrs(23:35mi pace)
The Sverdrup aid station will shut down at 2pm Sunday, all runners must be on leg 4(odd years)and leg 5(even years) by this time. If you do not complete leg 3 on your final loop by 1:00pm there is a strong chance you will not make the final cutoff, please consider this as the day goes on.
All runners must cross the finish by 4pm Sunday. 4pm is the final cutoff for all distances!
At the start of or nearest split of each legs from the Aid Station will be reflective numbered signs with RED reflective arrows detailing the direction for the particular legs you are traveling
Once on a leg we will have smaller signage detailing directionals in the trail. Wrong ways(DO NOT ENTER) will be at junctures of spur /side trails and roads. Anywhere a leg may overlap another and splits off will have arrows WITH the numbered leg.
Areas of higher importance such as large junctures of cross trails or areas of faster travel will have the larger size signs and arrows depicting the DO NOT ENTER or directional.
We mark our course with PINK ribbon & reflective tape on the bottom using clothespins. These will always be on your right, unless the legs overlap therefore they will be on both sides of trail opposite of each other.
Additionally, we use ground flags in open areas like powerlines and turns where trees are not an option.