Crew may only give aid to runner at / within the aid stations. they may not meet the runner at a trail junction or road crossing to aid in any way or could lead to runner disqualification.
Being that our facilities are indoors and it is a luxury, we ask that your crew do not stay solely in the indoor aid stations. While the runner is in the aid station is fine, but be mindful of the indoor space for all runners and volunteers.
Be mindful with the simplicity of of two aid stations it is more than possible to set up popups with heat and tables outside of both the aid stations for yourself and your runners as needed too.
We require within the start/finish aid station only 1 crew member attends to runner unless allowable by volunteers. the spacing in this one is smaller and can get tight quick. If family and added crew/pacer are in attendance please make sure they understand these requests too.
Smoking/vaping is not permitted within 100yds of any indoor facility, failure to comply could result in disqualification of the runner.
+++++ Specific crew staging locations will be designated within aid stations for ease of solo runners access to aid, drop bags, fire, traffic flow, etc. +++++
Crews and spectators must park in one of the multiple parking lots around the property as detailed in the runner's guide and should not park on the road or the lot AT Sverdrup aid station.
Pacers are allowed anytime after 40 mi(2 loops) OR 5pm Saturday for solo 100k and 100 mi runners and each runner may only have 1 pacer at a given time.
Runners may have as many crew with them in the final .25 of the race distance to the finish line however. This will be from the final road crossing on leg 5 to the finish arch.
Relay teams, 20 mi and 40 mile runners are not allowed a pacer at any given time.
Pacer Registration: For safety and recognition purposes we are requiring pacers to register under Ultrasignup. The runner will be given a bib for each registered pacer they have who notes them as their runner. If pacers change or are added last minute we do have spare bibs and paper registrations both at packet pickup as well as each aid station should it be needed. This will allow volunteers, timing, and RD's to visibly recognize pacers as well as insures we hold no liability should a pacer get injured in their pacing duties.
Use the link below to register as a pacer.